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What To Expect


New Patient Options


Atlantis Brain & Chiropractic Center understands that people are unique and have different conditions, different health care goals, and even different budgets.  It is for this reason, that we offer different new patient options:


  • Focused is recommended for healthy individuals without a history of recent injury e.g. waking up in the morning with a stiff neck.


  • Detailed is recommended for individuals with a history of recent injury or a chronic condition e.g. having chronic low back pain.


  • Comprehensive is recommended for individuals with complex neurological conditions e.g. experiencing post concussion syndrome. 



The consultation is a time where Dr. Sanders meets with you face to face, discusses your health history, reviews your health-related concerns,   and answers any questions.  (Please download, print, complete, and bring your new patient forms for your consultation. These forms can be found here or on our website under the New Patient Forms tab.)  

New Patient Exam


Dr. Sanders will then perform a new patient exam in which the following may be performed:




  • Spinal/extremity exam evaluates the spine and extremities through observation, posture, and palpation.




  • Spinal/extremity exam


  • Neurological exam evaluates neurological structures such as the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, brain stem, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and end organs. This is performed through non-invasive techniques such as gait analysis, sensory exam, motor exam, pupillary responses, eye movement evaluation of pursuits, saccades, optokinetics, gaze holding, convergence, divergence, and vestibulo-occular responses, ocular alignment, ophthalmoscopic examination, cerebellar accuracy and targeting, and cortical spatial awareness tests.


  • Interactive Metronome exam evaluates the planning, rhythm, and timing systems of your nervous system down to the millisecond through a computer based system.




  • Spinal/extremity exam


  • Neurological exam


  • Interactive Metronome exam


  • Cognitive exam evaluates orientation, immediate memory, delayed recall, focused attention, executive function, concentration, task switching, processing speed, simple reaction time, and choice reaction time.


  • Computerized balance exam uses a computerized force platform to measure  balance and postural stability in various parameters such as with eyes open or closed, standing on a firm surface or foam surface, etc.  


  • Autonomic exam uses various positional blood pressures to see if the nervous system can deliver blood to higher neurological regions when there is a demand.  

Report of Findings


After the exam, we will schedule a report of findings to discuss the results of your exam and if you are a good candidate for chiropractic neurological care, will discuss treatment recommendations, how we will monitor your progress, scheduling and cost. 



Depending on your particular history and exam findings, the following treatments may be performed:


​Spinal/extremity adjustments which gently corrects misalignments and restores joint mobility.


Laser therapy/photobiomodulation which helps relieve acute and chronic pain, decreases inflammation, reduces stiffness, decreases muscle spasms, increases microcirculation, and promotes healing.


Percusser therapy which helps the muscles relax and releases fascial adhesions. 


Scar tissue release which helps get scar tissue moving properly.


Microcurrent auricular therapy which helps reduce pain.


Interactive Metronome therapy  which helps restore the proper planning, rhythm, and timing circuits to allow the nervous system to perform better.​​​


Vibration therapy which helps reduce pain, activates the muscles, decreases edema, improves balance and coordination, and increases bone density.


Neurosage Therapy which uses either an active or a passive video gaming system to activate specific regions of the nervous system.


Near infrared brain photobiomodulation which uses specific near infrared frequencies of light to stimulate specific regions of the brain.


Far Infrared wavelength mat which is designed to activate cellular regeneration, accelerate healing, and promote stem cell migration.


Vagal nerve stimulation which calms the nervous system by stimulating the parasysmpathetic nervous system. 


Brain based therapies which utilize the principles of neuroplasticity to help improve the performance of the brain and nervous system. Examples of brain based therapies include: gaze stability exercises, vestibular rehab exercises, peripheral nerve stimulation, micro current stimulation, photohemodynamic therapy, slow eye movement exercises, fast eye movement exercises, vestibuloocular stimulation, light stimulation, complex movement therapy, caloric stimulation, auditory stimulation, olfactory stimulation, primitive reflex inhibition, balance training, Blaze Pod training, and cognitive improvement exercises. 

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Growing up in Satellite Beach, Dr. David Sanders decided to be a chiropractor at 17 years old.  Read more about his story and get to know him a little better.

"His ability to innately know what is wrong is a gift from God. I would highly recommend that anyone that needs neurology or chiropractic care see him!   I am highly blessed and honored to be Dr. Sanders' patient."


Why Choose Us?

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. David Sanders specializes in treating complex neurological conditions.  Dr. Sanders is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist - a credential held by 538 clinicians worldwide.


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